English with Emma · engVid
Hi, my name is Emma, and I'm going to teach you English! Learning a different language can be hard, but it can also be a fun and rewarding experience. I am TESOL-certified and have taught students from various backgrounds, ages, and levels. From immigrants to international students, private lessons to classrooms, my experiences have been varied and have allowed me to gain insight into the challenges that ESL students face. Teaching is one of those great professions that allow you to be forever learning. While I teach students both French and English, they teach me about their cultures, their lives, and other ways to see the world. It is a privilege to teach and I am thankful for all of my students over the years who have shared their stories, interests, and dreams with me.

160 videos
The Most Common Preposition Mistakes in English: AT, ON, IN, TO, WITH... The Most Common Preposition Mistakes in English: AT, ON, IN, TO, WITH...
3 years ago En
How many times have you made a mistake with "in", "at", or "on"? These small words are called prepositions. Prepositions are one of the most difficult parts of English for many learners. There are many prepositions in English: in, at, on, up, down, with, to, towards, about, and more. In this class, I will teach you some of the most common preposition mistakes and how to avoid them. https://www.engvid.com/the-most-common-preposition-mistakes-in-english/ Learn to fix even more common errors with these lessons! Fix Your English Grammar Mistakes: Talking About People https://youtu.be/XnrAM9QZ90U IELTS: Top 10 Spelling Mistakes https://youtu.be/i1XXR0kUKYk For more resources, visit my website: https://TeacherEmma.com 0:00 Introduction 1:02 It depends __ 2:13 __ the other hand 3:27 Waiting __ 4:29 __ time 5:13 Bought/sold __ (price) 6:09 Thinking __ 6:57 __ (time of day) 8:27 Married __ 9:29 __ (date) 11:12 __ (city/country)
How to use songs to learn English How to use songs to learn English
4 years ago En
Want a fun way to learn and remember English grammar? Learning English songs can help you to learn grammar in a relaxing and memorable way. In this video, I will introduce you to my favourite songs for learning English grammar points. You will learn about songs that can help you with the present perfect, simple present, simple past, simple future, 2nd conditional (”I would…”), and “should have”. I will also recommend activities that will help you to learn and remember the grammar in these songs. Review what you've learned with the quiz at: https://www.engvid.com/how-to-use-songs-to-learn-english/ More fun ways to learn English: How to talk about the future in English with 'WILL' https://youtu.be/oElFKkE_GoU English Tenses: Learn PRESENT PERFECT with a game! https://youtu.be/FtR3e9xk688
Learn English Vocabulary: SELF-HELP... life is hard! Learn English Vocabulary: SELF-HELP... life is hard!
4 years ago En
"Toxic", "burnout", "swamped", "resilience", "mindfulness", "coping": These are words many people are using nowadays. They are often seen in articles and video talks. In this lesson, I will explain these words and how they are becoming cultural buzzwords. Learn how to use these words when talking about common problems and popular solutions. You’ll also learn about how North Americans think and talk about self-help. Take the quiz: https://www.engvid.com/learn-english-vocabulary-self-help/ Watch next: Learn English: 11 "mind" expressions https://youtu.be/N_N9iPueids House & home vocabulary https://youtu.be/9BgbfJ0jlQA
Cultural Differences between North America & England Cultural Differences between North America & England
4 years ago En
I talk with Benjamin, a British English teacher for engVid, about some of the biggest differences we’ve noticed between life in North America and in England. There are some surprising differences, but I also learned that some of my ideas about life in the UK were based on stereotypes that might be incorrect or outdated. Benjamin loved visiting Canada and it was great to talk with him. Make sure you watch the previous video we did together, talking specifically about ACCENT differences between North American English and British English: https://youtu.be/yxC44ISaBNM Also make sure to subscribe to Benjamin’s engVid channel: @Learn English with Benjamin [engVid] Take the quiz: https://www.engvid.com/cultural-differences-north-america-england/
English Pronunciation Practice: OO & U English Pronunciation Practice: OO & U
4 years ago En
Do you want to improve your pronunciation in English? Many learners have difficulty with vowel sounds in English. “Book” and “boot” have different vowel sounds, yet many learners pronounce them in the same way. In this lesson, I will teach you about two vowel sounds: “oo” and “u”. Learn how to make these sounds and see examples of words with these sounds in them. After watching, take my quiz to test your understanding. https://www.engvid.com/english-pronunciation-oo-u/ Watch next: English Pronunciation Practice: Consonant Clusters https://youtu.be/P73dwwm14fo Say what you mean! Simple English words that learners often mispronounce https://youtu.be/S1Y9TH967gs
How to learn & study more effectively: Use the “BLESS ME” strategy How to learn & study more effectively: Use the “BLESS ME” strategy
4 years ago En
In this video, I will show you how to learn better using “BLESS ME”. BLESS ME stands for Body, Lifestyle, Environment, Social, Spiritual, Mental and Emotional. Each of these aspects of our life affect our learning. For example, did you know we learn better in some environments than others? How does sleep impact our learning? I will discuss these topics and more in this video. Watch, apply to your life, and you will see improvement in your learning abilities and your exam results. https://www.engvid.com/learn-study-more-effectively-bless-me/ Next, watch more lessons on improving your learning skills: The Secret to Remembering Vocabulary https://youtu.be/FNYNcCZpa9M Stop procrastinating and start learning! https://youtu.be/REJNBGEAQRo
Do you want to change your accent? Do you want to change your accent?
4 years ago En
Do people sometimes have trouble understanding you? Want people to understand you better? This video can help people with strong accents. Accents are wonderful, and I love them. I made this video for people who think their accent or voice is difficult for others to understand. In this video, I will teach you tips and strategies so you can speak clearer. Learn about how we can use intonation, pausing, timing, stress, emphasis, and speed to be better understood. After the lesson, take the quiz: https://www.engvid.com/do-you-want-to-change-your-accent/ Watch next: LISTENING & UNDERSTANDING in 3 easy steps https://youtu.be/k_LVNl35aJ4 3 expressions to improve your conversation skills https://youtu.be/OZcfQVggDRM
Giving advice in English with ‘SHOULD’ & tips for being in a hospital Giving advice in English with ‘SHOULD’ & tips for being in a hospital
4 years ago En
Ready to learn some grammar and receive some important life advice at the same time? In this lesson, I will teach you how to use “should” when giving advice. I will also give you some life advice. I will teach you what to do if you need to go to a hospital where staff don’t speak your language. This is a common problem both travelers and immigrants face. My advice is based on my past experience working in a hospital. After watching, you should take the quiz at https://www.engvid.com/advice-english-should-hospital-tips/ to practice what you have learned. Also make sure to look at the communication board I mention in this lesson: https://www.easternhealth.org.au/site/item/481-cue-cards-in-community-languages Grammar lessons to watch next: How to ask questions https://youtu.be/qzOsAZJhkqk Listening & understanding in 3 easy steps https://youtu.be/k_LVNl35aJ4
Easy English Conversation: Talk about food! Easy English Conversation: Talk about food!
5 years ago Ru En
What can you talk about with your co-workers, classmates, or people you don’t know well? According to research, food is one of the most common conversation topics for people while on break. By knowing how to talk about food, you will feel more confident in conversational situations and have more to add to conversations. Understanding common vocabulary and expressions about food can help your listening in these situations. In this video, you will learn ways to begin a natural conversation about food. You will also develop an awareness about North American food culture – what is a potluck, what is the difference between gluten-free, vegetarian, and vegan? What about bacon donut ice cream? After the lesson, test yourself with the quiz: https://www.engvid.com/easy-english-conversation-food/ Watch next: 3 expressions to improve your conversations https://youtu.be/OZcfQVggDRM English Conversation: The meaning of hand gestures https://youtu.be/xY_xiGadcgk
How to cancel plans: Use my 5 easy steps How to cancel plans: Use my 5 easy steps
5 years ago En
What are the best things to say when you have to cancel your plans with someone? You may worry that canceling will appear rude or impolite. In this video, I will teach you five steps that will make canceling plans very easy. This is a skill that everyone needs to master, regardless of whether your plans are business-related or social. I will also discuss culturally appropriate reasons for canceling plans and key expressions that will make canceling easier for you. Did you understand the lesson? Take the quiz to find out: https://www.engvid.com/how-to-cancel-plans-5-steps/ Watch next: 5 useful email expressions https://youtu.be/itLLVAJjXNI How to answer the phone https://youtu.be/lCBF659RMtg
Everyday English: Going to the PHARMACY Everyday English: Going to the PHARMACY
5 years ago Ru En
In this English vocabulary lesson, you will learn useful language for going to the pharmacy. The pharmacy is the place you go to get medicine. You will learn many important words and phrases like “drop off”, “pick up”, “prescription”, “generic”, “brand name”, “medication”, “medicine”, “pill”, “tablet”, “dosage”, “pay out of pocket”, “coverage”, and “to get a prescription filled”. This is common and useful vocabulary that you will use frequently. Knowing words like “generic” might actually save you money at the pharmacy, so you can thank me later! Test yourself with the quiz at https://www.engvid.com/everyday-english-pharmacy Vocabulary videos to watch next: Speaking English: How to answer the phone https://youtu.be/lCBF659RMtg The Secret to Remembering Vocabulary https://youtu.be/FNYNcCZpa9M
HELP! I failed my test/exam/course: NOW WHAT? HELP! I failed my test/exam/course: NOW WHAT?
5 years ago En
In my first year of university, I failed a math test and had to drop my class. At first, I was upset with my experience, and I dreaded having to take the class again. This experience became a life lesson for me. I learned how to use my failure to achieve success. The next year, I took the same test and received top marks. In this video, I will share advice on what to do when you fail something, such as an English class or a test. I will teach you ways to grow from the experience and transform it from negative to positive. Even if you haven’t failed anything, this video can still help you improve. https://www.engvid.com/help-i-failed-my-test-exam-course-now-what/ Watch next: IELTS Reading: Top 10 Tips https://youtu.be/4PDgVEhfKso IELTS Listening: Top 14 Tips https://youtu.be/OualsHB1FqE
Should you use slang? Should you use slang?
5 years ago En
In English, we use a lot of slang. But should you use it? In this video, I will explain what exactly slang is. I will discuss the pros and cons of using slang. Slang can be a lot of fun to learn and use, but if we use it in the wrong way, it can be embarrassing. Before learning and using new slang, you should watch this video. Some slang is outdated, and though it’s good to understand what it means, it’s best not to use it. I will also teach you more recent examples of slang in this video including “voluntold”, “woke”, “snowflake”, “gucci”, and “tea”. Learn what these new expressions mean, then take the quiz at the end to practice your new vocabulary. https://www.engvid.com/should-you-use-slang/
Basic English Grammar: Giving reasons with infinitives Basic English Grammar: Giving reasons with infinitives
5 years ago En
Simple English grammar lesson: An infinitive is when you have “to” plus a base verb. For example: “to make”, “to eat”, and “to be” are all infinitives. In this video, you will learn how to use infinitives when answering questions about why someone does something. For example, if someone asks, “Why are you going to the store?” you might reply, “To buy food.” Notice that we use the infinitive “to buy” to answer the question “why”. Watch the video to learn this very simple but effective formula to give a reason for something. I will also teach you about the expression “in order to”, which is also a very effective way to give a reason for something. I will show you how and when to use it, so you will always know how to answer basic questions in English. Then, test your understanding of the lesson by taking the quiz at https://www.engvid.com/basic-english-grammar-giving-reasons-with-infinitives/
English Fluency: Improve your INTONATION with the Banana Game English Fluency: Improve your INTONATION with the Banana Game
5 years ago En
Did you know that we can change the meaning of words by simply changing our voice? This is what we call “intonation”, and it is an essential part of learning and speaking English. In your native language, it is very likely that the way you move your voice up or down is very different from what is commonly heard in English. Native English speakers can recognize small changes in your voice to understand the meaning behind what you say. Your intonation also determines whether what you say is a statement or a question. There are different kinds of intonations for different kinds of questions. Changing your intonation can also give clues as to how you feel. In this fun lesson, we will play my Banana Game together to learn about intonation! You will learn how you can use your voice to change the meaning of your words. Next, take the quiz at https://www.engvid.com/english-fluency-intonation-banana-game/
Understand what you read: Emma’s pronoun trick! Understand what you read: Emma’s pronoun trick!
5 years ago En
If you want to improve your reading and writing skills, it is important to learn about nouns and pronouns. In this video, I will teach you one trick to help you understand what you are reading when the person or thing in the sentence is not directly named. First, you will learn what a noun and a pronoun are. Pronouns are words like “he”, “she”, “they”, “you”, “I”, and “we”. These words are used to replace nouns. For example, if I say, “Tom likes apples. He prefers green apples.” what or who does the word “he” refer to? It is Tom. You can use “he” to refer to Tom without saying his name. Is this unclear? Don’t worry, because in this lesson, I will go over this essential grammar concept in detail and give you lots of examples. Understanding pronouns is a very important skill in English because it helps you understand sentences better. Take the quiz at https://www.engvid.com/understand-what-you-read-emmas-pronoun-trick/ at the end of the video to practice pronouns.
How to use “USED TO” in English How to use “USED TO” in English
5 years ago Ru En
Learn how to use “used to” to talk about the past in English. In this fun lesson, I will use the phrase “used to” to talk about my past tastes in fashion, music, and hobbies. I will compare my past and present preferences and teach you how to correctly use “used to” in sentences. Not only will you get to find out all the weird things I loved when I was younger, but you will also learn a useful idiom in the process! For example, I used to wear “phat pants” in high school. Now, I wear colorful dresses. The phrase “used to” is easy to learn and will come in handy in everyday conversations and interactions. At the end of the video, take my quiz to practice what you learned in this basic English grammar lesson: https://www.engvid.com/how-to-use-used-to-in-english/ Leave a comment and describe what you used to wear!
Learn English vocabulary, expressions, and culture for birthdays! Learn English vocabulary, expressions, and culture for birthdays!
5 years ago En
Let’s talk about birthdays! Did you know there are many words we use when we talk about birthdays? What does “Happy belated birthday” mean? How do we use the word “turn” when talking about birthdays? I will also teach you about the cultural aspect of birthdays in North America. You will find out what birthday questions people might ask you. You will also learn how people celebrate birthdays in Western culture, like in Canada, for example. By the way, do you know if it is polite to ask someone’s age? Find out the answer to these questions and many more by watching this video. Test your understanding with the quiz: https://www.engvid.com/english-vocabulary-expressions-culture-birthdays/
How to talk about the future in English with ‘WILL’ How to talk about the future in English with ‘WILL’
5 years ago En
My sister Audra will help us play a game that you can use to learn how to talk about the future in English. We will predict Audra’s future using “will” and “won’t”. Find out where Audra will live, who she will marry, how many children she will have, and if she likes her future in this fun game. You will also learn some new vocabulary like ‘mansion’ and ‘shack’. Take my quiz at https://www.engvid.com/how-to-talk-about-the-future-in-english-with-will/ after watching to practice new vocabulary and grammar from the video.
Improve your English with COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELS Improve your English with COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELS
5 years ago En
English learners often tell me they want to read more, but they find many English books too difficult to understand. In this lesson, I will give you advice on how to use graphic novels and comic books to help you improve your English. I will teach you the difference between comics and graphic novels, and I will talk about the misconceptions associated with both. These kinds of books usually contain more casual, conversational language compared to literary novels, which is one of the reasons I recommend them to learners. I know these tips will help you work on your conversational English, so be sure to watch the video to learn how to use them to your advantage. What’s your favourite comic? Let me know in the comments! And take the quiz on this lesson at https://www.engvid.com/improve-your-english-with-comics-graphic-novels/
Medical Vocabulary for English Learners Medical Vocabulary for English Learners
5 years ago En
Learn common English expressions used in hospitals and other medical settings. In the unfortunate event that you or someone you love needs to go to the hospital or a clinic, it will help you to know some basic medical vocabulary and expressions. For example, what is the difference between a “stable” and a “critical” condition? What is the meaning of “diagnosis” and “prognosis”? I will teach you the meaning of “consciousness”, “unconscious”, “to take a turn”, “vitals”, “not going to make it”, and more. This vocabulary will also be useful to you if you like to watch medical TV shows (there are a lot of them). Don’t forget to take the quiz at https://www.engvid.com/medical-vocabulary-for-english-learners/ to practice what you have learned.
Conversation Skills: Interrupting politely in English Conversation Skills: Interrupting politely in English
5 years ago En
It may be impolite to interrupt in your native culture and language, but it is common for native English speakers to interrupt each other during conversation. There are many reasons why we may interrupt someone. Learning how to do it politely will help you feel more confident in your conversational skills. In this lesson, I will talk about when it’s okay to interrupt someone and how to do it politely. You will learn some common expressions you can use, like “Sorry for interrupting, but...”; “Can I just mention something?”; and “Before you move on, I’d like to say something.” I will also teach you expressions you can use when someone interrupts you, for example, “Let me finish what I was saying”; and “I’m almost finished my point.” Lastly, we will look at non-verbal cues to show you would like a turn to say something. See how well you understood the lesson by taking the quiz! https://www.engvid.com/conversation-skills-interrupting-politely-in-english/
HOW TO PRACTICE ENGLISH in a non-English speaking country HOW TO PRACTICE ENGLISH in a non-English speaking country
5 years ago En
If you live in a non-English speaking country, you may not get a chance to practice your English skills easily every day. So how can you find opportunities to practice your English more often? In this video, I will provide many suggestions and tips on how to learn English when you live in a non-English speaking country. I will talk about some of my favorite websites that can help you get more practice. I will also give you ideas on how to help yourself and others by forming a club or joining an online forum. Many people want to learn English but find it difficult to practice. By the end of this video, you will surely have found many solutions to this problem! Take the quiz at https:///www.engvid.com/how-to-practice-english-in-a-non-english-speaking-country/
How to pronounce the ‘R’ sound in English: Tips & Practice How to pronounce the ‘R’ sound in English: Tips & Practice
5 years ago En
The R sound is one of the most difficult to pronounce in English. Many students find this sound very challenging to learn because it is so different from how it sounds in their native language. In this lesson, I will teach you about how to produce the R sound, and give you tips to make it easier. Together, we will practice listening for and pronouncing the R sound in a fun activity. Did you know that there are different ways to pronounce R? Maybe one way will be easier for you! Take a quiz on this lesson at https://www.engvid.com/how-to-pronounce-r-in-english/
8 AWAY Expressions in English: go away, run away, right away... 8 AWAY Expressions in English: go away, run away, right away...
5 years ago En
You may already know that “away” is an adjective that means something or someone is not there. But did you know that “away” often changes the meaning of another word in a sentence? Expressions with “away” are some of the most common in English. In this lesson, I will teach you eight of them. You will learn how to use “right away”, “take away”, “give away”, “fire away”, “go away”, “move away”, “run away”, and “turn away”. Some of these expressions have more than one meaning, so we will explore each one carefully. After the lesson, take the quiz at https://www.engvid.com/8-away-expressions-in-english/
How to succeed in your JOB INTERVIEW: Situational Questions How to succeed in your JOB INTERVIEW: Situational Questions
5 years ago En
Imagine you have a job interview in the near future. How would you prepare for it? Job interviews can be difficult whether you are an English learner or a fluent speaker. Learning about common interview question types can help you prepare and feel more confident for the big day. In many English-speaking countries, interviews often include situational questions. A situational question gives you an imaginary scenario and asks what you would do if it were real. In this video, I will teach you about situational interview questions and how to answer them. This video also has a listening practice that will help you recognize these questions and prepare for them. After watching this video, watch some of my other job interview and employment skill videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-iRBcNs9oI8&list=PLaNNx1k0ao1uIoYaxVNntjU9kIjWYNlxO TRANSCRIPT Hello. My name is Emma, and in today's video, I am going to teach you about job interview questions; specifically, we are going to talk about a type of job interview que
Stop saying I'M SORRY: More ways to apologize in English Stop saying I'M SORRY: More ways to apologize in English
6 years ago En
Have you ever made a mistake and regretted it? Want to learn other ways to say “I’m sorry” in English – for all kinds of situations? In this lesson, I will teach you formal and informal ways to apologize. I will also discuss ways to speak about mistakes, regrets, and forgiveness. You will learn common phrases and expressions, like “It’s my fault”, “I didn’t mean to”, “I shouldn’t have”, “How can I make it up to you?”, and more. We will also look at North American cultural practices when it comes to apologizing. Learning a language is about more than just learning vocabulary; you need to understand culture, too. In this video, you get both! Take the quiz: https://www.engvid.com/stop-saying-im-sorry/ TRANSCRIPT and ways we talk about regrets. Okay? So this video is really about when you've done something wrong and you have to say: "I'm sorry", and how to say: "I'm sorry", you know, to make the other person feel better. Okay, so let's get started. The first thing I wanted to talk about is reasons. What are
How to LEARN & REMEMBER English Words: My Top Tips How to LEARN & REMEMBER English Words: My Top Tips
6 years ago En
Have you ever forgotten a word in the middle of a sentence? Maybe you have even paused your conversation to look up a word in the dictionary or on an electronic translator. In this lesson, I will teach you the key areas that can help you to learn and REMEMBER English words. These include focusing on a word’s meaning, spelling, pronunciation, and grammar. Learn why each of these areas are important and learn how they help you to remember. The tips in this video are based on current brain and language learning research, so you can trust that they are effective. To see how well you understood this lesson, take the quiz at https://www.engvid.com/how-to-learn-remember-english-words/ TRANSCRIPT Hello. My name is Emma, and in today's video we are going to talk about learning new words, and some tips and tricks that can really help you with this. Okay? So, English has one of the world's largest vocabularies, and every year there are more and more words that come into the English language. So, every year I learn new
SMALL TALK: What to say and what NOT to say! SMALL TALK: What to say and what NOT to say!
6 years ago En
What is “small talk”? Small talk is a type of conversation we make when we are talking to people we don’t know well. It’s one of the most important speaking skills to develop when you learn English. In this lesson, I will teach you what you should and shouldn’t talk about with people you don’t know well in North America. The topics that are appropriate for small talk are different in different cultures, so these might be different from what you’re used to, depending on where you are from. We will also talk about how to politely leave a conversation. Small talk can help you connect with new people, make friends, network, and it can also help you feel more comfortable in a conversation. Test your small talk skills with the quiz: https://www.engvid.com/small-talk/ WATCH THESE VIDEOS NEXT: 1. Have better conversations using the FORD method: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glBGzRw1rWw&index=24&list=PLaNNx1k0ao1u-x_nKdKNh7cKALzelzXjY 2. English Conversation – The Meaning of Hand Gestures: https://www.youtube.com/
How to use SO & NEITHER in English: "So do I", "Neither am I"... How to use SO & NEITHER in English: "So do I", "Neither am I"...
6 years ago En
I will teach you how to use “so” and “neither” to show you agree with or have had the same experience as someone. For example, if your friend says, “I like pizza”, you can answer, “So do I” to agree with them. If your friend says, “I can’t whistle”, you can answer, “Neither can he” to refer to someone else. As you can see, “so” and “neither” can be used with different verbs and different subjects. Watch the video to learn the grammar behind this concept and get many examples. After watching, take the quiz at https://www.engvid.com/english-grammar-so-neither/ to practice what you have learned. TRANSCRIPT Hello. My name is Emma, and in today's video I'm going to teach you about something we use a lot in conversation, and that is the words: "So" and "Neither". So, how do we use these in conversation? Well, I want you to think about a conversation you've recently had with somebody. A lot of the times when we talk to people, we want to contribute something to the conversation and we want to show that we agree wi
English Pronunciation Practice: CONSONANT CLUSTERS English Pronunciation Practice: CONSONANT CLUSTERS
6 years ago En Ru
Do you have trouble pronouncing ‘s’ words in English? Many students find words like street, squirrel, screen, spell, snow, and others difficult to pronounce. That’s because these words have consonant clusters in them. Consonant clusters are two or more consonants next to each other in a word. In this video, we will focus on ‘s’ words that contain consonant clusters, like the “str” in “street” or the “sk” in “sky”. In English, consonant clusters are very common. There may not be any in your native language, which could make their pronunciation challenging for you. But by the end of this video, you will have a solid grasp of the concept of consonant clusters and their pronunciation. Test your understanding with the quiz at https://www.engvid.com/english-pronunciation-practice-consonant-clusters/ TRANSCRIPT Hello. My name is Emma, and in today's video I am going to teach you about pronunciation. Today we are going to talk about something called: "Consonant Clusters". Okay? So, you're probably thinking: "What i
How to use sequencers in English: FIRST, THEN, NEXT, AFTER THAT, FINALLY How to use sequencers in English: FIRST, THEN, NEXT, AFTER THAT, FINALLY
6 years ago En Ru
Sequencers are words that organize your writing and speaking, words like “first”, “next”, “then”, “after that”, and “finally”. We often use sequencers in English when we give instructions, describe a process, or tell stories. Using sequencers is a simple trick that improves your writing and speaking because it organizes your ideas into sections and gives them an order. Watch the video and you will see how sequencers can help others understand you more clearly. Next, take the quiz at https://www.engvid.com/english-writing-sequencing-first-next-finally/ TRANSCRIPT Hello. My name is Emma, and in today's video I am going to teach you about sequencers. So, "sequencers" are words like: "First", "Next", "Then", "After that", and "Finally". We use sequencers when we are talking about steps or the order of doing things. So, we will use sequencers when we tell stories. We use sequencers when we give instructions, such as how to do something. Okay? Because when we tell someone how to do something, we're giving them a
Practice the PRESENT PERFECT TENSE in English! Practice the PRESENT PERFECT TENSE in English!
6 years ago En Ru
Did you know that it is possible to have fun while learning grammar? In this lesson, I will teach you my favorite game for practicing the present perfect tense in English. You will learn how to use it to talk about past experiences. For example, when using the verb “to drink” in the present perfect, do we say, “Have you ever drank?” or “Have you ever drunk?” Watch the video to find out. You will also hear many more examples in conversation with a surprise guest. That’s right! There will be a surprise guest who will also help you to learn and remember the present perfect tense. Test your understanding with the quiz at https://www.engvid.com/practice-the-present-perfect-tense-in-english/ NEXT, watch one of my other grammar lessons: 1. Take the Present Perfect Progressive Challenge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kxh5mCr93eY&list=PLaNNx1k0ao1u-x_nKdKNh7cKALzelzXjY&index=17 2. Learn English Tenses – 4 ways to talk about the future: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-6ZBRkZKWI&list=PLaNNx1k0ao1u-x_nKdKNh7cKALze
How to learn MORE English with Emma How to learn MORE English with Emma
6 years ago En
http://www.TeacherEmma.com Are you looking for more ways to learn English? In this video, I will talk about an exciting new opportunity. You will learn how you can get more English resources made by me. I will talk about my new website, http://www.teacheremma.com, and what I am currently offering to people. After watching the video, check out my website to learn more. TRANSCRIPT Hello. My name is Emma, and in today's video I want to tell you about a very exciting opportunity; but before I talk about this really great opportunity, I wanted to tell you a little bit about myself and what I do. So, I hope you see this heart, here. I put this heart here because I want to talk something that's very close, and near and dear to my heart, and that is teaching English. I believe English learning or learning the English language can help people change their lives for the better. Okay? A lot of you are learning English, and I want to ask you: Why are you learning English? Maybe some of you want a promotion at work, ma
How to talk about your job in English: 10 Key Verbs How to talk about your job in English: 10 Key Verbs
6 years ago En
I will teach you ten common English verbs to talk about jobs and the workplace. You will learn the meaning, spelling, pronunciation, and grammar of the following words: hire, earn, pay, fire, quit, lay off, resign, retire, promote, and demote. You will also see examples of how these words are used. One of the most common topics of conversation is work. Whether you love or hate your job, you probably talk about it frequently, so you need to learn how to use these words. After watching the video, take my quiz to practice the new words you have learned, at https://www.engvid.com/how-to-talk-about-your-job-in-english-10-key-verbs/ NEXT, watch the rest of the videos in my JOB SKILL series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-iRBcNs9oI8&list=PLaNNx1k0ao1uIoYaxVNntjU9kIjWYNlxO TRANSCRIPT Hello. My name is Emma, and in today’s video, we are going to teach you 10 verbs that you can use when you’re talking about work and jobs—okay?—and careers. So these are 10 very important verbs that you will hear a lot in movies, an
Improve Your English Pronunciation: How the Human Voice Works Improve Your English Pronunciation: How the Human Voice Works
6 years ago En
Want to improve your pronunciation and vocabulary at the same time? Learning the structure of your face, your mouth, and your neck will help you learn to pronounce the sounds of English. In this lesson, I will teach you the names of many body parts related to speech and pronunciation, such as the voice box, Adam’s apple, roof of the mouth, upper and lower lip, and more. I will give examples of how we use these body parts to produce different sounds. You will learn about the sounds produced by the roof of your mouth, as well as how we use the Adam’s apple or larynx to pronounce consonants like ‘k’ and ‘g’. NEXT: watch other important pronunciation videos: 1. How to pronounce "OF" like a native English speaker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kb2tjo3FNkk 2. Sound more natural in English: Learn and practice 5 BACK VOWELS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UKNO_-m7so TRANSCRIPT Hello. My name is Emma, and in today's video I am going to help you with your pronunciation. So, in this video, I am going to teach yo
Conversation Skills: A quick & easy way to make people understand you Conversation Skills: A quick & easy way to make people understand you
6 years ago En
“I’m sorry. I don’t understand.” Does this sound familiar? It is frustrating when people don’t understand you. In this video, you will learn an easy and quick tip that can improve your conversation skills even if you have a very strong accent or you are having trouble communicating with others. I will teach you how to introduce the topic of the conversation, also called the main idea. By just following this simple advice, people will understand more of what you say! After the lesson, test yourself with the quiz: https://www.engvid.com/conversation-skills-make-people-understand-you/ Next, watch my lesson on how we use hand gestures in conversation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xY_xiGadcgk&index=50&list=PLaNNx1k0ao1u-x_nKdKNh7cKALzelzXjY TRANSCRIPT Coming soon!
Get a new job: Vocabulary & grammar for your RESUME & COVER LETTER Get a new job: Vocabulary & grammar for your RESUME & COVER LETTER
6 years ago En
Many people don't get a job because there are mistakes in their resume and cover letter. Don't let this happen to you. In this video, I will talk about the grammar and vocabulary expectations for resumes and cover letters. You will learn some important tips for your resume and cover letter, such as words you should use or avoid. If you follow my advice, you are much more likely to make a good impression on your future employer. Test your understanding by taking the quiz at https://www.engvid.com/vocabulary-grammar-resume-cover-letter/ Download this POWER VERB resource: https://www.engvid.com/english-resource/power-verbs-in-english/ If you're looking for a new job, make sure to watch my other videos about job interviews and resumes: 1. COVER LETTER & RESUME TIPS & ADVICE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDMJVrVY3ME&index=6&list=PLaNNx1k0ao1u-x_nKdKNh7cKALzelzXjY 2. JOB INTERVIEW SUCCESS – BEHAVIORAL QUESTIONS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aO6cGTcnUg&index=12&list=PLaNNx1k0ao1u-x_nKdKNh7cKALzelzXjY 3.
English Grammar: Comparative Adjectives English Grammar: Comparative Adjectives
6 years ago En
Comparative adjectives are words that are used to show the differences between two nouns: “larger”, “smaller”, “longer”, etc. Some comparative adjectives have unexpected spellings, but there are some simple rules to follow to get the spellings right. In this lesson, I will use strange objects from my personal collection to teach you about comparative adjectives. For example, is my first sword “biger”, “bigger”, or “more big” than my second sword? I will teach you when to use “er” and when to use “more” to express comparisons between adjectives. You will also learn how the spelling changes on some words when we add the “er” ending. After watching this video, take the quiz at https://www.engvid.com/english-grammar-comparative-adjectives/ for more practice. TRANSCRIPT Hello. My name is Emma, and in today's video, I am going to teach you about comparative adjectives. So, what are comparative adjectives? They are words we use when we are comparing different things or different people. Okay? So, let's look a litt
Learn English: How to use I'D BETTER & I'D BETTER NOT Learn English: How to use I'D BETTER & I'D BETTER NOT
6 years ago En Ru
"It's late. I'd better go." Have you ever heard this in conversation or a movie? The expressions "I'd better" and "I'd better not" are very, very common in conversation. In this English class, you will learn what these expressions mean, how to use them, and how not to use them. We will look at many examples of the use of these expressions, and I'll explain the grammar too. You will also learn about the meaning of "you'd better", which we use to express an order or a strong suggestion. At the end of the video, try my quiz at https://www.engvid.com/learn-english-better-better-not/ to practice what you have learned. TRANSCRIPT Hello. My name is Emma, and in today's video I am going to teach you a very common and important expression we use in English, and that expression is: "I'd better"; or in the negative form: "I'd better not". So we use this expression a lot. But before I teach you how to use this expression, I'm going to give you an example to help you understand when we use this expression. Okay, so let'
English for Beginners: Countable & Uncountable Nouns English for Beginners: Countable & Uncountable Nouns
6 years ago En
Do you think English grammar is confusing? Ever wonder why can we say "a dollar" but we can't say "a money"? Why can we say "houses", but not "furnitures"? In this class, you will learn the grammar rules about countable and uncountable nouns in English, including when to use "a" or "an", when to add an "s" at the end of a noun to make it plural, and when you should NOT add an "s". You will also learn about the difference between "much" and "many". Test yourself with the quiz at https://www.engvid.com/countable-uncountable-nouns-english-grammar/ Watch next: FIX YOUR GRAMMAR MISTAKES! -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnrAM9QZ90U&list=PLaNNx1k0ao1u-x_nKdKNh7cKALzelzXjY&index=40 #engvid #LearnEnglish #EnglishGrammar TRANSCRIPT Hello. My name is Emma, and in today's video I'm going to teach you about countable and uncountable nouns. We can also call these "count nouns" and "non-count nouns". So, let's begin by first talking about: What is a noun? So, a noun is a word that is a person... It can be a person,
12 English Expressions with ALL: "for all I know", "all along", "all talk"... 12 English Expressions with ALL: "for all I know", "all along", "all talk"...
6 years ago En
Do you want to learn some useful English expressions? In this video, I will teach you common expressions with the word "all" in them. What does it mean when someone is a "know-it-all" or "not all there"? What is the difference between "all along" and "all over"? I will also teach about the following expressions: all in all, all-nighter, all the way, for all I know, for all I care, all for it, all talk, and once and for all. After watching the video, take my quiz at https://www.engvid.com/english-idioms-all/ to practice what you've learned. #engvid #LearnEnglish #expressions TRANSCRIPT Hello. My name is Emma, and in today's video, I am going to teach you some new expressions. These expressions all have the word "all" in them. Okay? So you're going to learn a lot of new words today, or a lot of new expressions. So, let's get started. The first expression I want to teach you is one of my favourites: "an all-nighter". So, an all-nighter is when you stay awake for over 24 hours. So, you do not sleep. So, who p
Practice your VOCABULARY, LISTENING, and COMPREHENSION with this game Practice your VOCABULARY, LISTENING, and COMPREHENSION with this game
6 years ago En
Want to improve your listening skills and improve your vocabulary at the same time? Do you want to have fun while learning? In this video, I will teach you common words we use while describing people's faces. Then, you will practice your listening skills in a fun and interesting activity. Get a pen and paper ready for this interactive and hands-on video. If you want even more practice, try my helpful quiz at the end of the video at https://www.engvid.com/vocabulary-listening-comprehension-faces-game/ #engvid #vocabulary #LearnEnglish Next, watch my video on 11 'MIND' Expressions in English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_N9iPueids&list=PLaNNx1k0ao1u-x_nKdKNh7cKALzelzXjY&index=12 TRANSCRIPT Hello. My name is Emma, and in today's video we are going to do something very special. Okay? We are going to practice our listening skills by doing a really, really fun activity that I love to do with my classes. So, for this video, we are going to be listening for adjectives about the face. Okay? So I'm going to te
Find a NEW JOB in North America: Cover Letter & Resume Advice Find a NEW JOB in North America: Cover Letter & Resume Advice
7 years ago En
Looking for a job? You will need to create a resume and a cover letter. But the rules on what to include and what NOT to include are different from country to country. To get you started, I've put together this lesson on writing cover letters and resumes, where I will give you all of my key tips. I will also talk about the reasons why we write cover letters and resumes and give you some important points on formatting. Watch my other job skill videos to learn about job interviews and for specific vocabulary you should use on your resume. Take the quiz: https://www.engvid.com/north-america-jobs-cover-letter-resume-advice/ Download a sample resume here: https://www.engvid.com/english-resource/resume-sample-tips/ TRANSCRIPT Hello. My name is Emma, and in today's video I am going to talk to you about cover letters and resumes. So, if you are going to be looking for a job soon... Maybe you're new to Canada, or England, or the USA, or new to an English-speaking country and you're looking for a job or you will b
Learn English Vocabulary: FAKE NEWS Learn English Vocabulary: FAKE NEWS
7 years ago En
Have you heard of "fake news"? What about the words "conspiracy theory" and "hoax"? The topic of fake news has become very popular in the news lately. It refers to information that is not true or not accepted as truth by mainstream society. In this video, I will teach you some key vocabulary we use when talking about fake news. I'll also give you examples of their use. Next, I will talk about some expressions you can use if someone gives you fake news or tells you a story that isn't true. After watching, take my quiz to practice the new words and expressions you've learned. https://www.engvid.com/learn-english-vocabulary-fake-news/ Next, watch this lesson on negative political vocabulary that you will hear in the news often: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45e99fofgJc&index=10&list=PLpRs5DzS7VqpcTS7hXJU4ARPwSETGI1gy TRANSCRIPT Hello. My name is Emma, and in today's video I am going to teach you some key expressions you can use when somebody tells you something that's not true and you want to argue against w
Learn English Expressions: JUST IN CASE Learn English Expressions: JUST IN CASE
7 years ago En
What does "in case" mean? When do we use it? In this video, you will learn about this commonly used expression. This lesson is part vocabulary and part grammar. After watching, you will be able to use "in case" properly in a sentence, which will be very useful for expressing a request, a condition, a particular event, and more. Take my quiz at the end of the video to practice using "in case". You can watch the video more than once in case you forget something. TAKE THE QUIZ ON THIS LESSON HERE: https://www.engvid.com/learn-english-expressions-just-in-case/ WATCH ANOTHER VIDEO NOW: 1. How to use ABOUT TO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQx2tEWxC1Q&list=PLaNNx1k0ao1u-x_nKdKNh7cKALzelzXjY&index=17&t=0s 2. WHILE or MEANWHILE? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EofcMDlVNIk&list=PLaNNx1k0ao1u-x_nKdKNh7cKALzelzXjY&index=82&t=0s TRANSCRIPT Hello. My name is Emma and in today's video I am going to teach you about a very important piece of vocabulary -- it's also very important when it comes to grammar -- and that i
My TOP 5 Writing Tips (for all levels) My TOP 5 Writing Tips (for all levels)
7 years ago En
Whether English is your first, second, or third language, developing your writing abilities will help you in educational, work, and social media contexts. In this lesson, I will talk about writing in general and discuss both formal and informal writing. It is critical to learn the difference between formal and informal writing, including differences based on vocabulary, grammar, and format. I will teach you some strategies for how to plan your writing. My five tips will help you improve your writing regardless of your current level. Watch the video, follow my advice, and your writing will improve. Test yourself with the quiz at https://www.engvid.com/my-top-5-writing-tips-for-all-levels/ Did you like this video? Keep improving by watching another video now: 1. 5 MORE tips on how to improve your writing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgkRoYPLhts&t=0s&list=PLaNNx1k0ao1u-x_nKdKNh7cKALzelzXjY&index=107 2. Writing an Essay: Paraphrasing the question: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9aVjBHEEbU&list=PLaNNx1k0a
Why you should make mistakes, and how to learn from them Why you should make mistakes, and how to learn from them
7 years ago En
Are you embarrassed or frustrated when you make mistakes? You are not alone. Many learners feel bad when they make a mistake, but they don't realize that making mistakes can help them improve! In fact, making mistakes is one of the BEST WAYS TO LEARN, especially if you are trying to learn a language. In this video, I will teach you that making mistakes is a very important part of learning a language. I will then show you some ways you can use your mistakes to improve your English. We will go through some practical tips on what you should do to maximize your learning. Which mistakes should you focus on? How do you know what your mistakes are? How can you make sure that you are improving? For answers to these questions and more, watch the video. Now it's time to watch another video! Watch this video about how to stop wasting time and start learning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REJNBGEAQRo&list=PLaNNx1k0ao1u-x_nKdKNh7cKALzelzXjY&index=11&t=0s Take the quiz on this lesson: https://www.engvid.com/why-you-sho
How to pronounce "OF" like a native English speaker How to pronounce "OF" like a native English speaker
7 years ago En
Stop talking like a robot! Some words don't always sound the same, and this is especially true when native English speakers speak quickly. In this short and simple video, I will teach you about the different ways we pronounce the preposition "of". For example, did you know we pronounce "a lot of" like "alotta" in conversations? Understanding the pronunciation of words can also help you develop better listening skills. Take the quiz to test your understanding: https://www.engvid.com/how-to-pronounce-of-like-a-native-english-speaker/ TRANSCRIPT Hello. My name is Emma, and in today's video I am going to help you with your pronunciation. Today I am going to teach you how to pronounce one of the most common words in English. That word is the word "of". Okay? So, when we say "of" just on its own as a single word, we usually pronounce it like this: "ov", which has kind of like a "v" sound at the end, "of". Now, that's kind of hard to pronounce. There's an easier way that we pronounce this word when we use it in a
How to succeed in your JOB INTERVIEW: Behavioral Questions How to succeed in your JOB INTERVIEW: Behavioral Questions
7 years ago En
Think about your last job interview. What did you do to prepare for it, and how did it go? Job interviews are difficult whether you are an English learner or a native speaker. If you want to get the job, you need to prepare for the job interview. In many English-speaking countries, interviews often include behavioral questions. In this lesson, I will teach you about behavioral interview questions and how to answer them. This video also has a listening practice portion to train you to recognize these questions, as well as tips on how to prepare for them. Try our quiz at the end to practice what you have learned, nail that interview, and get that job! Then work like a dog for the rest of your life :) Take the quiz: https://www.engvid.com/job-interview-behavioral-questions/ TRANSCRIPT Hello. My name is Emma, and in today's video I am going to teach you how to do really well on your interview. So, if you're looking for a job and you have an interview coming up, I'm going to talk to you about a type of question